Stop Health Problems: Finer Bodies
The virgin Divine Spirit came down in a circular wave across seven fields, across seven worlds, during the Saturn period to the mental world and formed man’s mental body. During the second period - the solar one - the Spirit came down to the astral world and formed the body of desires. During the third period - the Moon one - the Spirit came down to the ether sphere of the physical world and formed the ether casing of the body. During the fourth period - the Earth one - the Spirit came down to the lower sphere of the physical world and formed the physical body.
During the first period, when the Divine Spirit worked and created man in the image of God, man was worriless. During the second period he began to fall. During the third period, he came to complete degradation, and during the fourth period - the Earth one, which is the lowest period of coming down - the degradation reached its utmost limit. Man came down and sank in the matter, in order to dress in all casings, more and denser, from where his entrance and dressing in higher forms begins. Partial coming down and climbing happen along a wave-like line happens tretinoin cream during each period. The final movement will be ascending.
The most familiar of all bodies is the physical one, which consists of three casings. One of them is of ether and comes out of the physical body up to 12 cm. Physical powers with electricity and magnetism pass through it. We dress our physical bodies with warm or thin clothes, in order to protect it against cold or hot weather. The ether casing is also a health clothing of the physical body, which protects it against external influences. The ether casing is related to another one- the astral, which rules lusts. It protects man, for example from anger, from his desire for revenge, etc. The astral casing is related to the astral world, called subconscious.
One day, when people develop their sixth sense, they will see that there is a casing round man’s body. While this casing exists, man is healthy, because it regulates the warmth of his organism. Sometimes, under the influence of bad life, that magnetic casing round man’s body breaks and the external influences penetrate into it, causing lots of diseases. That magnetic clothing wraps up the stomach, lungs, all internal organs in man’s body, as well as its cells.
While he is on the Earth, man works mainly by his physical body - the most suitable instrument for the Earth. However, he thinks, feels, looks for the reasons and consequences of things. By what does man think? By his mental body. By what does man feel? By his astral body. By what does he find the reasons and consequences of things? By his causal body. Physical body is not equally developed with all people. The same is valid for the rest bodies in man. This shows that man is in front of a big and great work - development of all his components to perfection.
Through feelings, man is connected to the astral world, i.e. to his astral body, called also “spiritual body”. The astral body consists of two spheres: lower and higher, depending on the feelings, which also can be higher or lower. The astral world is liquid like water. There creatures live like fish in water.
Treatment of Colon Cancer
Digital Rectal Examination and Stool Occult Blood Testing
As part of an annual check-up with your own doctor, a digital rectal examination to check your prostate can at the same time examine the lower rectum and detect any low-lying rectal tumours. This is done by inserting a gloved and lubricated index finger into the back passage area. This can be followed by an FOB (faecal occult blood) test, whereby a sample of faeces is sent away to a laboratory to be analysed for the presence of tiny speckles of blood. This can be an important screening test for colon cancers and polyps. Tumours of the colon and rectum tend to bleed slowly into the faeces and the small vardenafil australia amount of blood mixed into the faeces is usually not visible to the naked eye. A small amount of faecal sample is smeared on a special card for occult blood testing. Usually three consecutive faecal cards are collected. However, be aware many other conditions can cause occult blood in the faeces. It is also important to realise that if your faeces samples have tested negative for occult blood this does not necessarily mean the absence of colon cancer. Having said that, a man who tests positive for faecal occult blood is thought to have at least a 30 per cent chance of having a colon polyp and a 3 per cent chance of having colon cancer.
Treatment of Colon Cancer
Surgical removal of the affected part of the colon is usually the treatment of choice. After the operation, a colostomy bag would be attached to the skin surface of the stomach wall to collect the faeces. This can be temporary or permanent, depending on where the cancer is located. Treatment often also requires chemotherapy or radiotherapy, depending on the type of tumour and where it has spread to. Sometimes chemotherapy is done even before surgery to reduce the size of the tumour. The long-term prognosis is related to how far the cancer has spread before it is diagnosed, with men having tumours confined within the wall of the colon doing best.
How Can Bowel Cancer Be Prevented?
The best way to prevent bowel cancer is to eat a diet rich in fibre and fresh fruit and vegetables and low in animal fat. This means less red meat, less processed or cured meats such as bacon, sausages and ham, less fatty processed foods such as cakes, biscuits and chocolate, and less alcohol.
Fibre is the insoluble, non-digestible part of plant material present in fruits, vegetables and wholegrain breads and cereals. It is thought that lots of fibre in your diet leads to the creation of bulky stools that can rid the intestines of potential carcinogens. In addition, fibre speeds up the passage of faecal material through the colon, which allows less time for a potential carcinogen to react with the colon lining.
Apart from a healthy diet and lifestyle, the most effective way to prevent colon cancer is early detection and removal of pre-cancerous colon polyps. Of course, even in cases where cancer has already developed, early detection still significantly improves the chances of a cure by surgically removing the cancer before the disease spreads to other organs.
Regular physical exercise appears to be beneficial in terms of reducing the risk of colorectal cancer. Statins, which are used to treat high cholesterol, have recently been shown to possibly have a protective effect against bowel cancer. Taking supplements of folic acid may have some protective effect on colon cancer. Other agents being evaluated as possibly helping to prevent colon cancer include calcium, selenium and Vitamins A, C and E. More studies are needed before these agents can be recommended Sildenafil Canada for widespread use by the public to prevent colon cancer. Taking low-dose aspirin can also have some protective benefit against bowel cancer. However, the flip side of this is that regular aspirin can slightly increase your risk of bleeding. Discuss the potential benefits of low-dose aspirin with your family doctor.
Unfortunately, colon cancers can be well advanced before they are detected. Being aware of the early warning signs of bowel cancer is important, so you can seek immediate help if need be.
Reduce Your Anxiety
Second Method for Relaxation
You may find that you get aroused while you do this. In which case, try and focus more on the breathing rather than on the body of your partner. And don’t indulge in any sexual fantasy!
Third Method for Relaxation: Reducing your anxiety about sexual situations
You must be aware of all the sexual situations which cause you anxiety. You can use sensate focus to make them seem less intimidating or to reduce your anxiety while you are facing them in reality.
The ideal way to do this is to link a relaxing picture in your mind that you find tranquil and calming with your physical state of relaxation. Eventually, when you are in the situations that you feel you are afraid of, you can bring the relaxing scene to mind and you will find your anxiety levels lower down right away.
Begin by having thoughts of a picture that you will find soothing. It could be a place, a person or an object, or indeed anything at all that you find calming. Then, use the relaxation techniques 1 or 2 above to achieve a state of relaxation. Bring the image to mind and tell yourself that “whenever I bring this image to mind I will enter a state of deep relaxation, as deeply relaxed as I am now, and deeper every time.’’ This will forge an association between the image and a deep state of relaxation.
The time when you are nervous about the incoming sexual act, you can either use the relaxation techniques described in 1 and 2 above to reduce your anxiety, or you can bring to mind the image of the relaxing scene you developed in this third method. In all cases, you will relax, and your anxiety will significantly diminish. This will allow you to refocus on what you are feeling in your body, not on the anxious and worried thoughts in your mind.
Another good thing to think about instead of having that relaxing “picture" in your thoughts is to find yourself a music that can be very relaxing. This can work for a lot of people because music can really bring people to the mood.
Erectile dysfunction Sildenafil citrate Canada is perhaps the most poorly understood and mismanaged of all medical disorders. Not many people are aware that in most cases physical rather than psychological causes are responsible for impotence, and it is very often eminently curable.
This is most of the time called to as “performance anxiety" or “fear of failure". A husband who is worried about getting an erection cannot settle down his thoughts and probably will not be able to get a hard on. Constant psychological impotence often can be triggered by one incident of sexual failure caused by drinking too much alcohol, anger, worry, fatigue, guilt or any number of other emotional factors.
Sexual and Reproductive Health in Young People with Cystic Fibrosis
Psychosocial development in young people with CF
Growing up with a chronic illness such as CF has both a physical and emotional toll on young people’s psychosocial development. The growth and pubertal delay common in CF has been shown to have a negative effect on young people’s self-esteem and body image and other people’s perception of their age and development. This is further complicated by the other obvious physical markers of CF, such as surgical scars, the visibility of permanent intravenous access ports and body habitus such as a barrel-shaped chest. These can all interfere with young people’s development of peer and romantic relationships, and perception of physical attractiveness and self-worth.
The urinary incontinence experienced by many women with CF has also been shown to affect young women’s social life and intimate relationships negatively. Emotionally, growing up with a life-limiting condition has been shown to influence some young people into more risk-taking activities (e.g. early and unprotected sexual activity), while for others it may lead to lack of emotional development, dependence on caregivers and poor maturity of relationship with peers or intimate relationships. While some studies have found that, overall, groups of young people with CF have the same average age of onset of sexual activity, same level of sexual activity and the same rates of marriage/de facto relationships as otherwise healthy peers, it is worth noting that other studies have found that young people with CF reported an avoidance of close relationships in adolescence and a delay in intimacy due to concern about their partner’s reaction to their illness. Reassuringly, Johannessen et al. also report that the majority of these young people were able to establish intimate relationships as adults.
Male infertility
Approximately 98 per cent of males with CF are infertile. The genetic abnormality that results in CF is associated with aberrant embryological development of the reproductive portion of the mesonephric (wolffian) duct. At birth, this results in variable absence of the vas deferens, seminal vesicle, ejaculatory duct and body and tail of the epididymis. While active spermatogenesis occurs in the testis, sperm are unable to be transported from the testis due to congenital absence of the vas deferens. Neither sex hormone production nor sexual function with are affected.
As a result of this transport defect, men with CF were previously unable to have children. Recent developments in reproductive technology now enable infertile men with CF to achieve biological paternity through aspiration of sperm from the epididymis (microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration or MESA) or from the testis itself (testicular sperm aspiration or TESA) in association with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). The use of these techniques in couples where the male has CF has resulted in pregnancy rates of 30–35 per cent per cycle, with 62.5 per cent of couples achieving pregnancy following the treatment programme.
These are expensive technologies that are only available in specialized assisted reproduction centres (and at variable expense to the affected couple). In a recent survey of males with CF in Australia, nearly 20 per cent of adult men had children. Six had fathered children using assisted reproductive techniques (MESA), nine had used donor insemination and one had stepchildren. Another man was presumed to be fertile having fathered a child without technological assistance.
Legal and Ethical Aspects Surrounding Fertility Preservation Services for Children and Young People
Legal framework
People facing potentially sterilizing treatments generic viagra Australia are treated in UK law in the same way as others using fertility preservation services – including couples storing their embryos for future treatment and gamete donors. They are required to have the medical, scientific, legal and psycho-social implications of their decision explained to them, to be offered counselling and to have sufficient time to consider their decision prior to signing an HFEA consent form. However, there are two notable differences for this group. First, their gametes can be stored up to them reaching age 55 rather than for the usual ten year maximum storage period (or five years for embryos). Second, they have the option to consent either for storage only or for storage and use. If they opt for the former, then the fuller second consent form is completed at a later stage. In practice, their choice may be limited as many assisted conception centres operate their own policy about which form to use. The forms require patients to state their wishes for the disposal of their sperm (including whether or not they agree to it being used for research) in the event of their death or any incapacity that might render them incapable of varying or revoking consent. If the dual purpose form is used, the name of a partner (if any) to whom they give the right to access their sperm and their wishes as to whether they want their name to appear on the register of births and on the birth certificate for any child born following posthumous use of their sperm must be included. Consents may be varied at any time.
The situation is similar for female viagra myviagrainaustralia. However, because storage and treatment using frozen eggs is at a more experimental stage, only a very limited number of centres have been given a storage licence. The more complicated and time-consuming medical procedure required in order to retrieve eggs also means that these services are much less widely used than are sperm storage services.
Many jurisdictions distinguish between minors and those who have attained the age of majority in relation to health care decision-making in general. For example, in England and Wales, those aged 16 and over are presumed to be able to consent to all medical interventions on their own behalf, providing that they are assessed as being Gillick competent. If they are under 16, it is recommended practice that they are allowed to consent on their own behalf if they are Gillick competent but that those with parental responsibility for them should ideally be involved in the decision-making process. Parents can consent on their child’s behalf if their child wishes this. In almost all aspects of health care, a parent can legally override their underage child’s decision to refuse treatment (although this is rare) but they cannot override a decision to receive treatment made by their (competent) child. It is true to say that both The Children Act 1989 and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 strengthen the rights of competent young people to have their decisions given due weight. However, the unusual legal situation posed by the consent provisions of the HFE Act is that there are no circumstances at all in which parents can consent on their child’s behalf or override their child’s wishes.