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Canadian Health Care Mall Blog: Undoing



Drawing, like writing and imaging, has the power to Undo and to heal. In this case we advise that you go directly to the asthma and draw it. Whereas in chapter 6 you drew the asthma in order to Focus, now you draw the asthma with the intention of Undoing it. Drawing sets up lines of communication that bypass ordinary thinking and relate new messages to the body-mind.



In the “Decreating by Drawing" exercise you spend fifteen minutes drawing the asthma — whether that’s the way you feel and look when you have an attack or a symptom or the symptom itself as an abstract shape or form. Then you find a way to contain, reverse, or eliminate it. This work is for your eyes only. Express yourself freely. Let go of your expectations of what this should look like. Intellectualizing and analyzing have no place in this process — they get between yourself and your drawing experience. This technique serves as a reminder to your body of what you want — to release, to reverse, to Undo the asthma. There’s no need to be a “good” artist or to make an acceptable representation.

Traditional Western medicine has used this technique for centuries as a healing treatment. Equally valuable for children and adults, it is something anyone can do and have FUN with. One woman, whose disease appeared as a giant, dark weight on her chest, had a band of angels come and carry it away. As they lifted the weight, she immediately began to experience a sense of relief and release, both physically and emotionally. Another person drew his face as red and contorted during an attack. Then he drew himself smiling, laughing, and breathing freely. Both kept their drawings where they could easily see them. During the next few weeks they used them as reminders of the intention to break free of the debilitating symptoms of asthma.

Just as drawing can be valuable, another deeply healing element of natural medicine has always been dreams. If you want to become your own authority, one of the first places to look is the wisdom of your dreams. In this next section we introduce you to the dream process and lead you through an intriguing technique for Undoing those dreams that disturb you. Everything you have learned up till now is embedded in this one process — Focusing, belief work, imagery, art, writing, and an expanded sense of awareness. All this and more come together in a tapestry, uniquely your own, once you begin to work with your dreams.


Dream life is the natural arena for dealing with the dynamics of life, inner and outer, and how they affect us. In the symbolic world of dreams we have a level of flexibility ... lacking in the outer world. We have also in the inner life a greater potential for resolution. Whether in the inner or outer life it is the lack of resolution which hangs us up.

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Body reconstructs

We have normal and healthy lives, when we spend the energies of our organisms properly and when the external energies, the energies of the Rational Nature, are taken in properly. There is something in man that is prone to sin, due to which Nature has implemented the ability of modifying in the matter. Scientists say that the human body reconstructs at intervals of seven years. Each seven years the bone, muscle, nerve and brain tissues renovate. Others say that one may renovate within three months - it depends on his thoughts and feelings. It is enough one to commit only one crime to stain the matter of his body. To rebuild his body, one shall have clean as a spring life, which shall constantly spring and clean itself.

Once the weight center of the human brain goes to the back of the head, life also becomes hard, and to make it easier, one may pass the flows from the back part of the brain to the front part and thus change his states. Sometimes the electrical and magnetic flows in the organism go perpendicularly to the spine, due to which a severe shock to the brain takes place. This may be noticed with people who, while walking, hit their heels and distort their shoe heels.

Do not allow any hump on your body. It interrupts the flow of the energies from the sympathetic nervous system to the brain.

Somebody may say that he does not need knowledge of astronomy or biology, or physics, chemistry, mathematics, psychology, etc. You do need all sciences. You shall study all sciences, as well as electricity and magnetism, because they are powers, operating in the organism.

If every morning from the middle of May, June till the middle of July, before sunrise, you worked only for half an hour in your garden, you would be healthy Nexium online Australia. Then there is an earth energy that comes from the southern hemisphere and goes to the northern one, makes a whole circle, then goes back to the southern hemisphere. Growth, blossoming, creating of forms, fruits depend on that energy. All people suffer with deficiency of that energy, because they do not want to communicate with the earth, and an exchange between man and the earth is needed. Dirt, mud, weeds from your organism shall go down into the earth in order fresh powers to go up in you.

Modern people need a new understanding of things, with which to reconstruct the brain, lungs, stomach, and the muscle system. Until he rebuilds his organs, one may not properly perceive the light that comes from the Sun.

The more solar energy you take in yourself, the greater softness and magnetism will be developed in you, and then, everybody will love you.

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Health News: Aging

Once you start to get irritated of little things, you have already entered in the old age. In order not to get older, do not get irritated.

When one starts to chat too much, he gets older. If he is not satisfied and is on bad terms with the world, he gets older much quicker.

People age of ignorance and worries.

If you want to get older quicker, complain.

If the tongue is getting white, you are getting older. If the tongue is getting red, you are rejuvenating. White tongue indicates that digestion is not normal. After this try to improve your stomach in order your tongue to improve.

When the solar, brain and sympathetic systems do not function properly, blackness under the eyes appears, or this happens also if the liver is more excited than it should be. The liver is an enterprise of Nature, where all lower feelings are created. The animal conditions that animals have are due to the liver. Our indisposition is due to the liver. It shall function properly. It has two functions, two services. It helps digestion and these animal feelings are due to it. He is near, adjacent to the stomach brain or to the solar plexus.

Very often old people suffer from not cleaned blood and this is the cause of blood pressure. Blood pressure is the venous blood, which collects in the veins and blood circulation is not proper.

Such people get older prematurely. The less venous blood, the better. The less bad thoughts, the better. Good thoughts are the arterial blood.

One, who wants to prolong his life, shall refrain. From what? First of all from too much eating. You shall always remain a little bit hungry, not eat enough. So, a little stock of unused energy remains in the organism and it renovates it. If you overeat, you are shortening your life. Moreover, man shall be pleased with what he eats. So, contentment prolongs life. You shall never overeat and you shall always eat with gratitude and contentment - these are the two rules for prolonging of life.

As long as good meals attract you, you are on the path of death.

Two things prolong life: rational eating, i.e. obeying of a certain diet and normal sufferings. By not overeating and by not eating enough, one prolongs his life.

One, who eats without chewing, shortens his life.

One, who eats quickly, dies early. You shall chew well on both sides of the teeth - on the right and on the left. When you are not well and sick, do not eat. If you are angry, do not eat. Wait until everything in you calms down.

In order to live longer, you need to understand the life of the plants and know how to use their nectar.

Music and songs have a good effect on human psyche. One, who wants to live a long time, shall sing.

Love renovates the life of the cells.

Rejuvenation is an internal psychic process. There is a special kind of glands in the brain and in the sympathetic nervous system, which humans do not know yet how to manipulate.

Modern scientists do not know yet what the roles of these glands are. One day, when they understand their roles, they will be able to use them consciously as a means of rejuvenation.

One can rejuvenate not only by an alchemical way, but by his mind, too. Man’s bright thought creates round him a pleasant atmosphere, which makes him able to perceive what is nice and beautiful from the living Nature.

One is young if he is ready at any moment to oblige anyone, who is in need. One is young if he bears all hardships and sufferings with joy, studies, does not lie, is fearless, works, and is faultless in each respect.

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Stop Health Problems: Finer Bodies

The virgin Divine Spirit came down in a circular wave across seven fields, across seven worlds, during the Saturn period to the mental world and formed man’s mental body. During the second period - the solar one - the Spirit came down to the astral world and formed the body of desires. During the third period - the Moon one - the Spirit came down to the ether sphere of the physical world and formed the ether casing of the body. During the fourth period - the Earth one - the Spirit came down to the lower sphere of the physical world and formed the physical body.

During the first period, when the Divine Spirit worked and created man in the image of God, man was worriless. During the second period he began to fall. During the third period, he came to complete degradation, and during the fourth period - the Earth one, which is the lowest period of coming down - the degradation reached its utmost limit. Man came down and sank in the matter, in order to dress in all casings, more and denser, from where his entrance and dressing in higher forms begins. Partial coming down and climbing happen along a wave-like line happens tretinoin cream during each period. The final movement will be ascending.

The most familiar of all bodies is the physical one, which consists of three casings. One of them is of ether and comes out of the physical body up to 12 cm. Physical powers with electricity and magnetism pass through it. We dress our physical bodies with warm or thin clothes, in order to protect it against cold or hot weather. The ether casing is also a health clothing of the physical body, which protects it against external influences. The ether casing is related to another one- the astral, which rules lusts. It protects man, for example from anger, from his desire for revenge, etc. The astral casing is related to the astral world, called subconscious.

One day, when people develop their sixth sense, they will see that there is a casing round man’s body. While this casing exists, man is healthy, because it regulates the warmth of his organism. Sometimes, under the influence of bad life, that magnetic casing round man’s body breaks and the external influences penetrate into it, causing lots of diseases. That magnetic clothing wraps up the stomach, lungs, all internal organs in man’s body, as well as its cells.

While he is on the Earth, man works mainly by his physical body - the most suitable instrument for the Earth. However, he thinks, feels, looks for the reasons and consequences of things. By what does man think? By his mental body. By what does man feel? By his astral body. By what does he find the reasons and consequences of things? By his causal body. Physical body is not equally developed with all people. The same is valid for the rest bodies in man. This shows that man is in front of a big and great work - development of all his components to perfection.

Through feelings, man is connected to the astral world, i.e. to his astral body, called also “spiritual body”. The astral body consists of two spheres: lower and higher, depending on the feelings, which also can be higher or lower. The astral world is liquid like water. There creatures live like fish in water.

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