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Body reconstructs

We have normal and healthy lives, when we spend the energies of our organisms properly and when the external energies, the energies of the Rational Nature, are taken in properly. There is something in man that is prone to sin, due to which Nature has implemented the ability of modifying in the matter. Scientists say that the human body reconstructs at intervals of seven years. Each seven years the bone, muscle, nerve and brain tissues renovate. Others say that one may renovate within three months - it depends on his thoughts and feelings. It is enough one to commit only one crime to stain the matter of his body. To rebuild his body, one shall have clean as a spring life, which shall constantly spring and clean itself.

Once the weight center of the human brain goes to the back of the head, life also becomes hard, and to make it easier, one may pass the flows from the back part of the brain to the front part and thus change his states. Sometimes the electrical and magnetic flows in the organism go perpendicularly to the spine, due to which a severe shock to the brain takes place. This may be noticed with people who, while walking, hit their heels and distort their shoe heels.

Do not allow any hump on your body. It interrupts the flow of the energies from the sympathetic nervous system to the brain.

Somebody may say that he does not need knowledge of astronomy or biology, or physics, chemistry, mathematics, psychology, etc. You do need all sciences. You shall study all sciences, as well as electricity and magnetism, because they are powers, operating in the organism.

If every morning from the middle of May, June till the middle of July, before sunrise, you worked only for half an hour in your garden, you would be healthy Nexium online Australia. Then there is an earth energy that comes from the southern hemisphere and goes to the northern one, makes a whole circle, then goes back to the southern hemisphere. Growth, blossoming, creating of forms, fruits depend on that energy. All people suffer with deficiency of that energy, because they do not want to communicate with the earth, and an exchange between man and the earth is needed. Dirt, mud, weeds from your organism shall go down into the earth in order fresh powers to go up in you.

Modern people need a new understanding of things, with which to reconstruct the brain, lungs, stomach, and the muscle system. Until he rebuilds his organs, one may not properly perceive the light that comes from the Sun.

The more solar energy you take in yourself, the greater softness and magnetism will be developed in you, and then, everybody will love you.

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