The methods of control of premature ejaculation
If you ever experience the premature ejaculation, you do not need to despair and develop a complex. You should find out the causes of the disorder instead and negate them. Having eliminated the causes you can improve either your moral condition or the relationship with the “gentler sex” essentially. The scientists consider such causes of the premature ejaculation:
Firstly, the cause of the disorder of sexual life may lie in the ability of a man to come to the orgasm quickly when masturbating. If a man masturbates too often, the body gets used to the fast achieving of orgasm, and the same happens during the traditional sex - premature ejaculation. To solve the problem on should try to prolog the pleasure as long as possible during masturbation: it is necessary to stop shortly before the moment of ejaculation, relax and continue. This easy method will help one to resist the coming of culmination and prolong the sexual intercourse as long as possible.
Secondly, the cause may lie in the expectation of failure, that is a man, remembering all past failed efforts is worried to experience the failure again. In this case the nervous tension influences the situation negatively: the more one worries, the more chance of failure he has.
A man goes round in circles: the fear of failure leads to the premature ejaculation.
Various relaxing techniques, such as yoga, meditation, deep even breathing and so on, will help to solve the problem. One should try and learn the complex of relaxing physical exercises to fight stress. Priligy in Canadian Health&Care Mall - stop premature ejaculation problems right now!
There are also other methods of solving the problem of premature ejaculation. For example, the use of additional lubricant. In this case the sensitivity of penis reduces due to the decrease of friction, and as a result, the duration of sexual intercourse increases.
Besides, there is a great tool – a condom. It also increases the duration of sexual intercourse due to the reduction of the sensitivity of genitals. For the best results it is possible to use thicker condoms.